As the middle years of the 1920s slipped by, Armstrong Siddeley continued to develop the cars in the three model range incorporating current technical developments in the industry and on occasion being innovative in their class.
Advertising of the period took on a subtle educational flavour as in our three contributions this week.
This advert gives us an excellent driver's view from the 30 hp car, showing the bonnet mounted Sphinx and the petrol filler cap with gauge on top. Internally the hand brake and gear lever dominate the centrally mounted instruments and switches. The lever mounted to the left of the steering wheel centre controlled the engine timing, while that to the right governed the tick-over speed. The centre button operated the Klaxon horn.
For owners and potential purchasers of an 18hp Armstrong Siddeley here was an example of how good these cars were at tackling really steep hills.
Box hill gained notoriety as part of the national road network giving access to an area of outstanding natural beauty which regularly drew visitors from London and surrounding Counties. Back then and into the following decade it was a point of honour with drivers of all makes of car if the vehicle was able to easily surmount a very steep hill, in top gear. Today it is still used on special occasion for Classic vehicle competition, but more so for runners and as part of a route for cyclists. The widely known difficulty of this climb made it a perfect candidate for this test.
This time a lesson in world geography seems to imply that this top of the line Pullman Landaulette is in keeping with the slogan -' You can not buy a better car'. Might there be a tiny hint in the 'height correction' regarding the mountain that Armstrong Siddeley get things really right?