Armstrong Siddeley Heritage Trust
Armstrong Siddeley 17hp Gallery
In the early 1930's the motorcar industry was advancing quickly. As a result, the 15hp model began to look outdated despite frequent updates. To address this issue, a new model was introduced in 1934 called the 17hp. It came with an overhead valve engine, improved chassis and suspension, and a range of new body styles.
These new bodies were available in three different chassis lengths: Short Wheelbase (SWB), Standard Wheelbase, and Long Wheelbase (LWB). They included a six-light Saloon, a four-light Sports Saloon, a four-seat two-door Sporting Foursome, a Tourer and Limousine, as well as Landaulet versions, all produced in-house by Burlington. Customers could also buy rolling chassis to take to their preferred coachbuilder and have a body of their own style created.
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These three 17hp examples are models showing the in house Burlington coach built saloon.

The 17 was available as a rolling chassis to outside coachbuilders. This tourer is an example from Maltby of Sandgate.

The 17 was also available with this rather charming two-door four seater Burlington body known as the Sports Foursome.

This model is by Salmons with their Tickford open body operated by turning a handle in the rear quarter panel.

Different 17hp bodies, Australian (unknown maker), Burlington Atalanta body and a Tickford drop head coupe.


Interior details from some of the motorcars that have survived to this day they, were all finished to a very high standard.

All body styles were equipped with the same engine. See the panel below for further details.
Technical details

Here's a slideshow of some of the Armstrong Siddeley Motors' brochures featuring 17hp cars from the 1930's.