Armstrong Siddeley Heritage Trust

Photo Credit The Motor
This is a Transport Based Heritage site reviewing the dramatic technological changes evidenced in the past one hundred and fifty years. Commemorating the work and products of leading industrialists such as William G. Armstrong, John D. Siddeley, Walter G. Wilson, Thomas O.M. Sopwith and many others.
Our aims are to educate in an enjoyable way, and to preserve where possible any relevant memorabilia, photos, texts, or artefacts which are in danger of destruction or loss.
We produce an in house magazine for our members (currently in electronic form) twice a year and have this frequently updated Web Site.
We are a registered charity and a nonprofit making organisation run by
unpaid volunteers.
Nevertheless, maintaining an archive and providing safe storage for precious and rare items does cost. Your support is essential for the future of what has proved to be a worthy task to date. For as little as £12pa you can become a member of the Trust, a membership form can be found here
If you enjoy our site and a less formal arrangement would be your choice, we would welcome any donation you care to make.
To contact us click here
To read about the people mentioned above click here