Armstrong Siddeley Heritage Trust

The Armstrong Siddeley Owners Club (UK)
This is our sister organisation which has been caring for the needs of Armstrong Siddeley cars since 1961. Of particular note is the Club stores which has a wide range of parts enabling members to maintain their cars in good roadworthy condition, There is an excellent Club magazine, monthly local meetings and national events. To find out more click here.

The Armstrong Siddeley Car Club (Australia)
The Armstrong Siddeley Car Club in Australia was formed in 1960 by a group of Sydney enthusiasts. There are now Branches in New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia and the Australian Capital Territory. Although there is no active branch in Queensland at the moment, members there join us for the annual National Rally and participate in other motoring events in Queensland. To visit their site click here

Photo Credit English Heritage
English Heritage at Kenilworth Castle
Sir John Siddeley, 1st Baron Kenilworth, founder of Armstrong Siddeley motors, when raised to the peerage in 1937 bought the castle and with suitable funding transferred it into the care of the Ministry of Works in 1938.
Armstrong Siddeley Heritage in partnership with English Heritage, which now cares for the castle, has gathered a selection of artefacts and ephemera to tell the story of Siddeleys lifelong association with the glamorous worlds of motoring and aviation.
The exhibition brings Siddeley's work back to the castle gatehouse, which famously found itself called into service as his company's drawing office during the Second World War when Armstrong Siddeley's Parkside Works in Coventry were bombed out during the Blitz. Click here to visit the castle
Bamburgh Castle
The castle set high on a rocky outcrop overlooking the North sea, was recognised from the earliest times as a defensive position. With the arrival of the Normans a substantial castle was built, only to suffer the ebb and flow of the ravages of the wars through the following years. Fast forward to 1894 when the first Lord Armstrong completed the restoration of the castle. The Armstrong family retain ownership to this day. Within the castle, there is The Armstrong and Aviation Artefacts Museum, where happily a few Armstrong Siddeley items, including a 1936 Armstrong Siddeley 14hp car, are on show. To see our display at Banburgh click here