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Pictures from the Heritage Archives

To draw this 346 Sapphire based thread to a close, we thought it good to show some of the other than standard factory body styles mounted to this typically, superbly strong, Armstrong Siddeley chassis.

The first picture of the pair shown this week is of the sleek looking ambulance which in this case was painted in accordance with the livery of the Heston and District St. John Ambulance Brigade. Most ambulances of the period were painted white or cream, but do we recall correctly that the ‘Brigade’ vehicle colour was a very dark blue, or was it black? Perhaps someone can help us to be sure of the facts. The date of this picture according to the factory records is mid February 1958.

Our second picture is of a handsome estate car designed by the coachwork section of Appleyard of Leeds Ltd. The Appleyard company was formed at the same time as Armstrong and Siddeley came together and by 1950 their business had grown to cover all that might be required by the motorist.

The four small raised square patches towards the front edge of the roof are duplicated at the rear edge and one wonders what their purpose was. In the 1950's removable roof racks were popular for carrying suitcases and bulky bags on family holiday journeys. Perhaps this was the purpose, or you may know better? The tail gate was of the horizontal half split type which gave extended support for long items or perhaps use as a picnic table.


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